Cinnamon, Ground

Aromatic flavor like no other. Ground Cinnamon from Kotányi has an unmistakable fragrance and adds a wonderfully sweet and aromatic flavor to dishes.

Gewuerze Muster beige braun Bg

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Exquisite sweetness

The sweet, aromatic flavor of cinnamon leaves a pleasantly warm feeling in the mouth — so it’s no surprise that it’s a popular ingredient for winter bakes! Cinnamon is also great for seasoning savory foods such as soups, stews and curries.

Deliciously cinnamon

Cinnamon sticks release their full flavor when boiled in liquid, which makes them ideal for adding to mulled wine, chutneys and savory stews. Ground cinnamon makes baked goods, cookies and cakes truly irresistible.

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Our cinnamon, our promise

Zimtschnecken, die glasiert werden

Your dishes deserve the best ingredients. Kotányi Cinnamon is handled with the utmost care to make sure you can get every last ounce of flavor into your cooking.