Cardamom, Ground

Looking for delicious Oriental cuisine? Kotányi Ground Cardamom is the perfect way to bring the flavor. The mild fiery flavor of cardamom is similar to eucalyptus.

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The taste of India

Sweet and fresh, wonderfully aromatic, with a eucalyptus-like flavor: Cardamom is the classic spice of Indian cuisine. Whether ground or whole, the seeds add wonderful flavor to curries, baked goods such as cookies, meat and vegetable dishes, desserts and mulled wine.

Cooking with cardamom

Cardamom can be used either ground or whole. If you’re using whole cardamom pods, you should pound them first in a pestle and mortar.

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The finest cardamom with the finest taste

Cardamom Produktbild Landscape

Cardamom is rich in essential oils. The spice must be meticulously handled and stored to preserve these oils. Kotányi Cardamom has a slightly sticky feel, which indicates its outstanding quality.