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5 tips to combat spring fatigue


Fruehjahrsmuedigkeit Title

The sun is shining again, temperatures are rising, nature is awakening and yet spring fatigue still has you firmly in its grip? These 5 tips for more energy in spring - from exercise in the fresh air to colour therapy - will quickly help you overcome your tiredness.

#1: Get out into the fresh air

No matter what time of year, moderate and regular exercise is simply good for our bodies. Exercise supplies our body with oxygen, and being outdoors promotes vitamin D production. This cheers us up and gives us new energy!

#2: Make sure to eat healthy

In the fight against spring fatigue, boiled and fried food is the wrong diet. It is stressful and also makes you tired. What our body needs now is vitamin-rich food, spread over several meals a day. A good rule of thumb for non-stressful meals is two thirds food, one third liquid. You can also boost your circulation with spices. Chilli is a particularly popular spice. The spiciness has a mood-lifting effect. To combat tiredness after eating, you can include rosemary in your meals. Coriander seeds detoxify the body and strengthen your immune system.

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#3: Liquid against spring fatigue

Drinking too little fluid can cause tiredness. It is therefore very important to drink at least 1.5 litres of fluids during the transition period between winter and spring. It is best to drink water, of course, but unsweetened herbal teas also work wonders. The classic ginger water also helps to stimulate digestion and strengthen our immune system.

#4: With colors to combat the spring blues

Colours can also have an effect on our mood. Red and orange colours in particular brighten our mood. These colours stand for energy, joy de vivre and joy and help to combat tiredness and listlessness. The situation is similar with yellow. Yellow is mood-lifting and refreshing. Surround yourself with these refreshing colours in your everyday life, and you will see that the play of colours will have a positive effect on your mood.

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#5: From cold to warm - alternating showers bring energy

At first, of course, you can enjoy a cosy warm shower. But then comes the point where you have to overcome your inner bastard by switching from warm water to cold. Then start rinsing yourself from the outer right foot up to the hip, and then continue on the left side. Finish with the arms. Start at the back of the right hand and go up to the shoulder and then back over the inside of the upper arms. Repeat this on the left side. You’re sure to be awake after the alternating shower.

So if you feel tired from mid-March despite the warmer temperatures, open a window, stand in front of it and take a deep breath. Just make sure you get enough rest and sleep. Coupled with the tips in this article, you will soon have enough energy to enjoy spring again.

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