Thyme, Crushed

Aromatic greetings from the Mediterranean! Kotányi Dried Thyme has a wonderfully aromatic flavor that comes out beautifully when added early in the cooking process.

Kraeuter Muster gruen Bg

Mediterranean sprigs

Thyme is a classic flavor in Mediterranean cuisine. Its smoky, herby and aromatic notes add a traditional Mediterranean flavor to pizzas, pasta sauces, salads, soups and stews, as well as poultry, fish and meat dishes.

Cooking with thyme

Thyme does not lose its flavor when exposed to heat, and the flavor is most pronounced when cooked for a long time. It also tastes wonderful sprinkled over cheese or pickled vegetables. The flavor of dried thyme is much more concentrated than that of the freshly picked herb.

Ravioli mit Thymian gewürztliegende Thymianzweige

Natural quality

Zubereitung von Teigtaschen

The flavor and essential oil content of thyme depend on where it comes from, the time it’s harvested, and the way it’s stored. We select our suppliers according to strict criteria to ensure that this natural product reaches you in the best quality.